Find Dennis the Menace and his pesky pooch in these jam-packed Beano scenes!
Can you find Dennis the Menace and his pesky pooch? From Lord Snooty’s castle to the Bash Street dinner hall, these jam-packed scenes are filled with classic Beano faves including Roger the Dodger, Minnie the Minx, Calamity James and Bananaman!
Key features:
• Search for Dennis on your own, or take on a fellow Menace (or Softy!) in two-player head-to-head mode.
• Each busy scene comes with over fifty different things to search for (some of them squelchy).
• The quicker you find stuff, the more points you get!
• Bunkerton Castle, Bash Street School dinner hall and Beanotown shopping centre are all brought to life with fun sound effects and animations.
• Collect badges to fill up your trophy cabinet and earn your place in the Menace Squad!
• Log in to Google Play Games to connect with other Menaces, check out your position on the leaderboard and compare badges.
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